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Attracting tomorrow's talent

  • Ideally positioned to benefit from a strong supply of skilled employees and world-leading research universities. Hunterston Parc is within easy commuting distance from major Universities including the University of Strathclyde, University of the West Coast of Scotland, University of Glasgow and the Glasgow Caledonian University.
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Hunterston PARC aims too:

  • Create the jobs that will in turn maintain demand for supply services


  • Build a more resilient economy by introducing a diverse range of industry sectors to the region


  • Stimulate education, training and skills development activities in the area


  • Give school leavers a ‘positive destination’ locally to aim for


  • Attract complementary economic activities that will provide further opportunities for local people


  • Support Scotland’s 2025 vision, to have a world-leading working life where work drives success, wellbeing and prosperity for individuals, businesses, organisations and for society.
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Future Growth

The priority afforded to Hunterston PARC in national and local policy, places it at the forefront of Scotland’s strategy to be a major contributor to the local economy.

Hunterston PARC has the potential to transform its current economic prospects to drive regeneration and bring prosperity to the West Coast of Scotland.

At a regional level, the recently announced Ayrshire Growth Deal – funded by both Scottish and UK governments and investment support from Scottish Enterprise who are partnering in the PARC development. The North Ayrshire local development plan 2 – is expected to act as a major economic stimulus, which the site is ideally positioned to support.

Hunterston Parc is central to this ambitious growth agenda.

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